# All MTG Basic Lands by Set


talking about Magic The Gathering, i created a list which include all the sets containing Basic Lands (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest).

Since collecting also Basic Lands is part of MTG and i haven’t found any list that shows for every Set whether contains Basic Lands or not, i decided to create this list. Where i included the Sets having Basic Lands as well how many of them, plus some information whether needed if is full art, or snow-covered, gold-bordered and so on. Special Sets like: Promos, Arenas, APAC, Euro, MPS, etc has been also taken in account.

I used some powerful free online tools such as scryfall (ex magiccards.info), mtgrex and basiclandart.

Here the google drive spreadsheet available to view online:

[constant update, check the file]

if you find any errors please contact me commenting this article or writing me an email.

Below two screenshots of the spreadsheet:

I have found also this website https://basiclandart.com/ from this Reddit post, you can sail through the basic lands art, it also gives info where the art is reprinted from older sets or a new one.